Career Assessment
Frequently Asked Questions
Why participate in a career assessment?
Career Assessment is a formal, individualized transition assessment designed to determine a student’s unique interest, aptitudes, skills, work behaviors and transitional needs to get them in a program that will best meets the needs of the individual.
When is the student referred?
The optimum time for assessment is during 9th or 10th grade year to enable informed decision-making regarding education, training, and employment options.
Who refers the student?
Students can be referred for a career assessment by a teacher, counselor, parent/guardian, or administrator.
Is there a referral document that is submitted and if so, where does one get a hold of this?
The career assessment specialist has provided the referral paperwork to all counselors and Intervention specialists that partner with Mid-East. Referral paperwork can be picked up in every guidance office and needs to be submitted to Alisha Jefferis (Career Assessment Specialist Mid-East CTC).
Does the IEP and ETR accompany the referral?
The IEP and ETR are not required for a career assessment. However, some background information must be provided so that the proper modification and accommodations can be provided during the assessment.
Who schedules the students and where is the assessment conducted?
Once the proper paperwork is collected, the home school contacts the career assessment specialist and a day is scheduled for the assessment that best fits the needs of the student and the home school. The assessment is provided at no cost, and takes place in the student’s home school.
How long does a career assessment take?
On average a complete career assessment lasts 2-4 hours. Please keep in mind that this time can vary depending on the individual.
If this is not a test, what happens during the assessment?
Students are assessed through the use of hands-on work samples, interest surveys, aptitude and achievement tests, career exploration activities, and observation.
What skills and behaviors are assessed?
There are six critical skill and behavior areas that are observed during the assessment:
1. Appearance and Presentation
2. Communication
3. Supervision/Reliability
4. Following directions and instructions/Initiative
5. Quality of work
6. Quantity of work.
Who receives the report?
After the assessment is complete, a report is prepared highlighting the results: listing training and educational options. A post assessment conference is held with the parent/guardian, referral source, and student.